Thursday, July 17, 2003

Just a short roundup of our weekend with a few highlights...

The talking tent: on Sunday morning Matt and I awoke to the cute sounds of children discussing the merits of a talking tent. It turns out that these very same children had, only moments earlier, been playing football on the near by field. When the ball rolled down the hill and hit the girls' tent Viv was lying there and decided to say "ouch..." this continued for some time as the kids kicked the ball repeatedly at the tend seeing if it really was talking.

Finally they all decided to attack the tent and as we strolled past towards the showers we could see the side of the tent being pounded by nippers!

The barn dance: I can't say much, but let's just say that the term 'dance' was re-defined. Much laughter.

We listened to some very challenging talks on following Jesus through pain, through desert times etc. There was consensus in the fact that we're sick of 'evangelising' and would rather simply share Jesus. On a similar note we're sick of being 'Christians' and would rather just be followers of Jesus.