Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Yesterday I picked up the results for my Law and Politics degree. I got a 2:2, which I was pretty disappointed with at first (having hoped for a 2:1). The reason for my frustration is that I know that, had I chosen to study a subject that I enjoy (as oppose to Law) I would have done much better.

Looking at the breakdown of my results (which my tutor shouldn't really have shown me) I got 2:1s for the modules I enjoyed, but barely revised for, which were the more philosophical ones like 20th Century European Intellectual History. The ones that I did worst at were the hard line Law modules like Trusts and Land Law that I never really wanted to learn.

It sucks knowing that your grade doesn't really reflect your capability, but I guess at least I know for sure that Law really isn't my thing!

There is only one factor that I can put down to me having chosen to study Law and Politics. That is a conversation (aged 17) with Mr Sidoli, one of the RE teachers at my Sixth Form College. He suggested the course because of my interests in subjects like English Literature, Art and Politics. I guess I stuck with it out of sheer stubbornness!