Thursday, June 08, 2006

While blogging I often imagine a set of unspoken rules. One of these is the rule that if you don't blog for a fortnight, or even a month, it would be rude to start blogging again as though you never stopped. If I leave a long gap, I often feel obliged to explain myself, or at least to offer some kind of introduction, which as a daily blogger I would never feel necessary.

I think in some way this is a transplantation of the etiquette of real life onto the world wide web. For example you see someone you haven't caught up with for two weeks, or even a month, and the first thing you ask is "how are you?" If you raced into a "well I was at the supermarket the other day and..." kind of monologue you're somehow infringing on them. You're assuming familiarity where familiarity hasn't been earned, or at least where your familiarity 'credit' hasn't been 'topped up.'

Or perhaps it's just me...