Tuesday, October 03, 2006

hello, goodbye
You know the saying "come rain and shine..."? In this wonderfully Welsh autumn it basically serves as an ongoing weather report. One moment it's t-shirt weather, the next coats.

Yesterday I visited Reuben at Rocketfuelled HQ for a little design party/gathering/(extended) coffee break. It's great to have friends who are in a similar field of work and with whom you can share the frustrations of working for the best boss.

In the evening I met up with Hannah, and later Dani. I was in school with Hannah and we figured out it had been six years since we last hung out! It was really nice, and really surprising that so much time can pass and you can just kind of pick up where you left off.

Life is a bit weird at the moment because it feels like I'm hooking up with people I haven't seen in ages, rediscovering old friendships and even starting some new ones, but in just eleven days will move countries...