Tuesday, October 21, 2003

I've just been listening to a tape by Bill Hybels talking on 'surviving leadership.' He has some real good insights into keeping a balance in your life...

1. Don't run in crisis mode (or if we're in crisis mode, recognise it and spend serious time and effort getting out)
Crisis mode is where we spend all our time and energy working out how we can "keep all the balls we are juggling in the air."

2. Recognise that there are more than 2 gauges in your life...the gauges of the Spiritual and Physical aspects of our lives are important, but we need to be aware of our Emotional life. It's too easy to suppress our emotional life and leave ourselves open to attack - they surface eventually.

3. Draw up a relationship inventory. List your friends according to 3 categories: Draining; Neutral; and Replenishing. Make sure that you have relationships that cause you to re-energise.