Ethics vs. Customer ServiceWhile I was at home over Easter I visited a H&M store with Zoë. Ever since I heard about H&M, and the low prices of their clothing, I believed that at some stage in the production chain individuals must be suffering. I mean you just can't offer t-shirts for £3 and guarantee that producers in the third world aren't receiving a raw deal. Right?
So while Zoë was trying on some garments I decided to make some enquiries.
"Hi there, I was wondering if you have any information on the origins of your clothes?" I asked the girl at the counter.
As she looked at me, processing my question, I caught a glimpse of what was going on behind her eyes:
'ok, ok, question I don't understand, pretend you have some idea of what's just been asked' (smiles, pretends to make a phonecall, wanders around the store appearing to make enquiries of her co-workers, comes back, whispers in the ear of the guy at the till next to her)
So the guy leans over and asks,
"what do you want?""I was just wondering if you have any information on the conditions under which your clothes are produced?"(In broad Cardiff accent)
"Mate, do you really need to know?""Well, yeah, I'd like to know..."(Wanders around for a few minutes in similar fashion to his colleague, then comes back shaking his head)
I decide to throw him some rope...
"Do you have an email address for someone who would know?"(Wanders around for a few minutes before returning)
"Yeah mate, www.h&m."On checking out the website I discovered
this - clear information on their ethical concerns. Finally!