Wednesday, April 13, 2005

"Strange things are afoot at the Circle K..." (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure)

I've been in the office the past two days and each day a strange thing has happened:

A guy comes in who visits at least once a week for a cup of tea and a chat. Anyhow this time he's telling me all kinds of bad things that are going on in his life. I'm listening and listening and he's getting more and more worked up, then goes into a lull of emotion, then carries on. So I'm listening and I'm praying: "Lord, what should I do? Should I offer to pray for him?" I felt that the answer was "yes" so I waited for a lull and asked, "hey, can I pray for you?" To which he replied, " fact I'm offended at that" and walks straight out slamming the door behind him.

Three kids with Irish accents come into the office asking "what do you do here?" so Grace explains that it is the office of a church. The smallest of the boys is wandering around and one of the others is calling "Pete, come back here..." I notice that he's heading back towards my desk and decide to follow him, arriving just in time to see him turn around quickly and walk back out towards the front door. I scower my (rather untidy) desk to see what is missing and twig just in time that my phone isn't there. I make my way towards the front door, but I'm not completely certain that my phone was even on my desk and am wary of grabbing an eight year old boy and demanding my phone off him for all the legal implications. So I literally watch them leave and inform Grace, "I'm sure that kid just stole my phone." In the back of my mind I'm trying to look on the bright side - 'at least my life will be more simple...'

Five minutes pass and the little boy returns, two phones in hand. He tells Grace, "I'm sorry I took these phones, I thought they were toys."