Sunday, July 17, 2005

Reckless Abandon
Some people find it difficult letting go of their inhibitions and acting like a child. I’m not one of those people. One example of this is when I went to Cardiff with Emma and Dave and managed to talk them into running up a steep muddy slope with only sandals on their feet and then running down barefoot. It was kind of painful because of the tree roots, but was a lot of fun. We drove home muddy and satisfied that we had adventured.

Another of these occasions happened yesterday. We were all set to head to Ashton Court festival, which I’m told, is a forum for local Bristol talent with a few crowd pullers headlining. I was in the car with Dave and Lois and we were queueing in the diverted traffic and we noticed the sign to Weston Super Mare and decided the beach rocks far more than the prospect of seeing a bunch of bands we’d never heard of. It would also give us an affinity with our friends who are currently sunning themselves over in Southern California (grrr). When we arrived we headed straight for the water and noticed that the closer we got the deeper our feet sank into the mud. So I suggested we sprint across the mud until we reach the sea. We did it, got completely filthy, and wandered back towards the sand. Strangely between our arrival and our walk back from the water someone had put some signs up which announced “Danger, Sinking Mud,” or perhaps we just didn’t notice them… Things we also did: ate chips and Ben & Jerry’s (Cookie Dough flavour), buried Dave with sand, drove Dave’s mini around the beach (I like driving over sandcastles!) and watched the sun set.