Thursday, September 01, 2005

Anarchy vs. Liberalism
I was chatting with a friend from Sweden last week who was telling me about her 'freshers' fortnight' (weeks before uni starts properly where there are lots of parties.) Apparently at her university, during this time, there are rules that place limits on alcohol consumption and freshers are not allowed to kiss. It all stems from an incident 3 years ago where a student was raped.

Initially hearing this was a surprise - particularly with the reputation Sweden has for being ultra-liberal - but on further reflection it makes sense. Liberalism is not anarchy. It's not licence to do whatever you please. Rorty defines a liberal as, "someone who believes the worst thing you can do is harm another human being." Within this definition the rules enforced at this particular campus, while seemingly strict, are actually an outworking of a liberally-minded culture, a culture that puts caring for its members before licensing their untethered freedom.

In the UK such a big deal is never made out of single incidents of rape, but that is probably just a reflection on the draconian inequality of our society.