Tuesday, September 06, 2005

At the moment I'm enjoying...
Lost - billed as 'survivor with actors.' I anticipated a let down after all the media hype, but have been plesantly surprised. It's actually pretty intriguing. One of my favourite plots (despite being highly contrived) is Jack's growing awareness of his leadership "call" - my favourite quote so far (though paraphrased) comes from Mr Lock:
"You say you're not a leader, but they follow you."

I'm also enjoying Newsfan, the news aggregator that is saving me a lot of browse-time. For those of you who don't know what an aggregator does, you type in the RSS feeds of your friends' websites and within about 4 seconds Newsfan tells you who has posted something new.
Update: I've actually changed to Mozilla's Thunderbird because it turns out Newsfan was just a 15 day demo...

Finally, I'm enjoying learning some more Swedish.