Sunday, July 09, 2006

There are some albums that just grab you and won't let go. I'm talking the albums that you can listen to over and over without getting bored, the ones that you know every lyric, intro, instrumental break and guitar solo. No matter how many other cds you own you will never treasure them as much as these.

It's one of these that I'm listening to as I write. There are few cds that resonate with me in the way Recovering the Satellites by Counting Crows does. It somehow captures everything I could possibly want to say while remaining wholly "other." At the same time I both fully relate to the lyrics and yet completely fail to grasp them.

I was reflecting earlier on the number of people that have passed through my life since I first heard this CD. At the time I didn't quite appreciate that I'd be sat listening to this when they were long gone. Music is funny like that, a great song can somehow say exactly what you want to say better than you could ever say it. A great song, or in this case a great collection of songs (in my opinion so great that they belong side-by-side), can be a great comrade in the midst of lifes ups and downs, tos and fros.

Goodnight Elisabeth, whoever you may be...