Saturday, July 29, 2006

Well well well, it has been a few days since I blogged. Yesterday I was in Llanelli, a little place near Swansea, visiting my Grandma, who has Alzheimers and my Aunt and Uncle who care for her. It was nice to be in a different context for a little while and to have no choice but to stop, breath and slow down my busy mind.

There are some important questions that have arisen recently that you might be able to help me out with...

1. How does one loosen up someone elses' buttons, should one be asked and/or feel the inclination? As you have probably guessed I'm referring to the Pussy Cat Dolls' latest collaboration with Snoop Dogg. I think it's called "Buttons" and it's getting a lot of airplay on Radio 1 at the moment with it's chorus "I'm tellin' you to loosen up my buttons babe...". I assume that they're perhaps addressing a man who carries sewing box wherever he goes.

on to the second...

2. Why is Dave studying Radiography when he is such a talented cartoonist? Click here to see his work.