Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A new era for ideals-driven politics?
Who says in ten years time, we will not have turned back the inexorable rise in global emissions?
Who says in ten years time every child in the world won't be at school?
Who says in ten years time, there can't be a democratic and respected Iran, cooperating with us and the international community against global terrorism?

I'll tell you who. The same people who say my generation doesn't care about politics. ~ David Miliband

David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, delivered a cracking speech yesterday at the Labour Party Conference in Bournemouth. The only thing that stopped me blogging about it immediately was that the transcript hadn't been published.

He demonstrated that there are still politicians out there who are driven by the ideals that surely lead most people to politics (after all, there are easier ways to make money). He is articulate, passionate and to my mind stands apart from the crowd as a leader in a country that apparently lacks authentic leadership.

I felt tingles in my spine!

Read the speech here