Monday, March 01, 2004

I'm off to the Vineyard UK National Leaders' Conference tomorrow. It should be a good week. I'm hoping to hear some more from God regarding my activities on leaving Uni (June onwards). Speaking at the Conference will be Gordon Fee, David Pitches, Debbie Wright and Rick Williams, to name but a few.

Tonight I spoke at one of our gatherings on the subject of 'Giving' [read the transcript here]. It's the second time I've given a solo-talk in this context. It seemed to go ok - I used notes with the full script instead of just bullet points and I found that I was able to stick to a) my time limit and b) my subject more accurately, although my one struggle was giving plenty of eye contact and interaction. Any tips, leave a comment, or email me on jonathan[at] cardiffvineyard [dot] org.