Wednesday, May 19, 2004

The Dreaded Trusts Exam
This morning I sat my penultimate exam - Trust Law. Those of you who have been around me this past year will know that Trusts has been the biggie, the one module that I have found hardest.

When I arrived at the exam I was surprised at how stressed out everyone seemed, this bunch of final year Law students anticipating the mother of all law exams. It seemed that everyone had revision aids in their hands.

Anyhow, I got into the exam, sat down, prayed, waited, prayed, stretched, filled out my form. The exam started and, guess wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. There were three questions that I could have a good crack at. My only reservation is that I ran out of time on the last question, which also happened to have been my favourite one, so ended up scribbling down bullet points and not really concluding properly. I'm just hoping that this won't drag the mark down too much.