Thursday, August 31, 2006

Doesn't life move fast?! It was Zoe's 22nd birthday yesterday, which signals both the passing of time and the closing of summer. We had a nice, though slightly stunted day (thanks to the fitting of new windows in our house), which ended with a meal at an organic restaurant in the countryside.

I'm beginning to realise how crucial it is to close your ears to The Voice which creeps up and whispers into your ear "you're getting older, life is moving on, you're missing opportunities..." It's a voice that speaks no matter what age you might be.

If you're single, and dream someday of being married, it often whispers "you're not married, you'd better get a move on, everyone else is with someone and you're going to miss your chance" (if you're female you might also have the biological clock voice chiming in).

If you are a person with great hopes and dreams and you find yourself in a quiet spot The Voice will whisper "you were just ideological, get over yourself, this is life, nothing more..."

But a little secret I've learned is that The Voice isn't always right. In fact The Voice is just there to quash the tangibility of your dreams. The Voice has had its victims, but you can choose if you will join them.

Life is a journey that unfolds before our eyes. It is a story to which a little more is added each day. It is unpredictable, and often surprising. It is an adventure. The nature of adventure is that we don't know how it will turn out and we don't know what will come to pass along the way. You have not arrived, because you are still traveling, which means there is still hope. Don't become a victim of The Voice.