Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Prayer needed
Yesterday I received the email below that Emma forwarded to me from one of her friends. The first operation that she mentions is today.

Hi Guys,

O.k. I am writing to you all with a very specific purpose. Prayer. I am pretty certain that most of you (but not all) know about my mother and the fact that she has recently been diagnosed with cancer.

Well, her first major operation (hysterectomy) is this tuesday. It's going to be a big load of surgery and to say the least my family and I are all beginning to feel very strained. What I am asking for is mass prayer for a successful operation on tuesday, that nothing will go wrong and that they won't find the condition any worse than they already suspect. I would like for you all to pray for peace and comfort for my mother and the rest of my family and that we will all continue to be strong.

For those of you that don't know my mother's name is LINDY and it is ovarian cancer which had spread to the liver that we are dealing with.

I thank God that I have all of you in my time of need.

I love you all.
Rachel xxxxx