Friday, December 03, 2004

We've literally just strolled in to Seattle Vineyard. There's an Emerging leaders' conference starting in 10 minutes, so just a quick update. So far we've visited Vancouver, eaten very well, stayed in Yakima and hung out with the guys from Southside Community Church and Yakima Vineyard respectively.

Late nights and early mornings probably mean that when I look at this on arrival back home it won't make great grammatical sense, but who cares.

We drove through the mountains this morning, in the mist. At first it was so misty that Abi asked "are we driving to heaven." Matt claims he saw a coyote and a sign on a diner saying "Jesus is Lord, we accept Visa." The cars are big and the
"gas" is scarily cheap.

I'm taking photos and will blog more substantially on my return.