Friday, March 14, 2003

Luke 9
Sometimes the disciples were so dumb. Jesus had sent them on ahead to make arrangements for hospitality on his way to Jerusalem. They called off at a Samaritan Village and went to ask them if Jesus could stay there. The people refused. So James and John ask Jesus "do you want us to call a bolt of lightning down from the sky and incinerate them?" Let's blast them dude!

So how does Jesus respond? "Yeah guys, that'd be cool - let's burn them so hard that you can see the smoke rise." No, he ends things with a simple "course not."

I guess it just dawned on me that the disciples had never seen Jesus harm anyone with his 'secret powers' and yet that's exactly what they're willing to do at the first opportunity (once given Authority).

Before I sign off, I just remembered something in Luke 8. Jesus takes three of his disciples with him when asked to restore the life to Jairus' daughter. That's how he trained people. He was himself, he took people with him to see how he did things, later they were given authority to do the same.