Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Stuart Murray-Williams cont...
I realised that I had so much to write on tithing that I didn't mention anything else to do with his talks...I thought they were great, although aimed at a more traditional audience. Although he confessed that he didn't know the Vineyard all that well, I had hoped that he would provide a certain insight into where we as a movement had come from. That doesn't however mean that the christendom factors weren't relevant to us.

I would have loved to hear his thoughts on sex, for example - particularly when Jay had mentioned spending most of his time trying to get (unmarried) people to stop having sex with each other! The explaination that most things in the new testament were not directly applicable, but that all are indirectly applicable was certainly helpful, but I would have liked him to expand on his ideas a little. Perhaps some 'scholars' would have a better idea of how to apply that concept to a fresh reading of scripture but I'm afraid I don't (please comment if you have any tips!)

His reference to war was certainly an eye opener. I'd been long prodding this issue with a number of people to whom I had spoken. Some had mentioned the 'Just War' theory. SMW gave some insight to this idea, how it is a product of Christendom, and related it to our current situation - what is a 'just war'?

1. War must be for a just Cause
2. War must be with good intention
3. There must be reasonable expectation of success
4. War must be waged by proper means
5. War must be the only possible way of removing evil
6. War must be declared and fought by a legitimate Authority.

He pointed out that the current US-UK-Iraq situation does not fit cleanly into this criteria. The circumstances are in fact closer to those of the ("more Biblical") concept of a crusade. This thinking is a breath of fresh air. I couldn't get my head around the idea of Jesus waging war in a physical, or political domain and so the just war idea had never sat comfortably. Now I know why.

If I think of anything else I shall blog on this topic further...until then "roll on death of Christendom!" I pray that it will be the quickest thing I ever learn and unlearn!