Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Breakfast in Sweden is a serious business. Since I've been here I've gone through several favourite breakfasts...

1. Gröt med Lingonsylt (Porridge with Lingonberry jam)
I arrived last November to the coldest and longest winter I had ever experienced. Thankfully, unlike us Brits, Swedes keep the heating on all night. Anyway, for probably 4-5 months I thought there was nothing better than waking up to a warm, sweet bowl of porridge. However a few months ago I was mocked by a pastor for this porridge-preference, "Man, that is sooo Småland! You should try it with Äpplemos, that's WAY better..." I actually disagree, and I feel no need to apologise, as I was taught by a real life horse-riding, forest-dwelling Smålander...

2. Filmjölk och Müsli (Sour milk and Museli)
As soon as I tasted Fil, a product that is not available back home, and is like a cross between natural yoghurt and milk, I loved it. It gives a refreshingly sour flavour to the morning.

3. Frisk Bröd med Apelsinmarmelad och Ost (Fresh Bread with Orange Marmelade and Cheese)
It's not very British to eat untoasted bread for breakfast, or cheese for that matter (especially not with something sweet), but this ROCKS.

Now for my current favourite...

4. Mild Vaniljyoghurt och Müsli (Mild Vanilla yoghurt and Museli)
Where Fil is sour, Vaniljyoghurt is light and slightly sweet (though not too sweet for breakfast time). mmm mmm dee-licious.